Thursday, October 8, 2015

Plan & Pray Each and EVERY Day..... and Night

Nothing has changed my life more than making time to plan and pray every day AND night.

There is great power in developing habits, successful people have developed habits that support their growth, depth and development. There are books, courses, seminars and entire movies on this topic.... because it creates lasting change.

You know how it is... you read an article, get all pumped up and motivated and you try the suggestions out for two to three days.... then you lose that steam. Because you didn't turn it into a habit. Habits only take 21 days to form.

If you develop this one habit - PLAN/PRAY- EVERY DAY&NIGHT - you will be able to create lasting changes. Why? Because you are developing a skill which will allow you to act on your own behalf, from the place of true intention.... you will move away from the reactive and spontaneous 'go with the flow' chaos and into the consistent, organized, action focused, goal driven energy that allows you to manifest.

In James Clear writes....
"We make a mistake when we focus on the goals rather than the system. When you focus on the practice instead of the performance, you can enjoy the present moment and improve at the same time."

If you develop the framework and set the boundaries for the substance to flow in you set yourself up to succeed. This does not mean that you can't be open to listening to the universe and follow the synchronicity - it means the universe will be more clear as you become more clear with how it responds to your efforts. So make this time for yourself, to get clear and to break things down. Have you heard about setting SMART goals?

My framework has been setting up each morning with a 'to do list' that stretches pretty much to infinity and beyond.

I look at this spanned out list of tasks, desires, goals, dreams, and break them down into specific, measurable, achievable, result-focused, time sensitive tasks. SMART goals. What would be of the most benefit to do today? What has to be done today due to deadlines? What could I do today if I have the time? I pull things off that infinite to do list and place them into my TO DO TODAY list. I plan out my day - how long will it take to accomplish each of these tasks, I dedicate specific time slots to those tasks.......then I pray.


Prayer acts as a check and balance. It helps to guide me in what I may have forgotten in the planning of my day. It restores me to a balanced place and sends out a powerful frequency, vibrationally program for the reality unfolding. Taking my energy to the place of gratitude expands my heart in Love. In Love I reflect on all that I have to be grateful for. I send Love and healing to friends, family, Loved ones. This creates this spaciousness. This expansion within. I work in the field of forgiveness and ask God to help me to forgive where I am struggling to do. I pray for just a few minutes.... and then I might go back to my list. I might take something off or add something new, and sometimes... on the rare occasion I smile at how in synch my list is with my true high self, with the guide inside and I resonate with that. Love. It is just as important to repeat this practice in the evening. Taking time to reflect and atone, to evaluate and to redirect. At night you can look at all you were able to achieve and what is still left to be done. You can return to the prayerful place within, to that space where you can be with God. For it is my opinion that it is best to begin and end all things with prayer.....

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